Research during Covid-19 (Updated 6/30/2021)

Saint Mary’s Institutional Review Board: Updated Policy for Research during Covid-19

Research on our own campuses should follow current masking and distancing requirements for students and faculty.

Research at external sites should continue to follow the site’s covid protocols and data collection practices should not introduce covid risk beyond what is experienced in daily life.

For research intended to take place in a K-12 classroom setting, the Saint Mary’s IRB will defer to the policy of the research site, provided the proposed research does not introduce additional risk of exposure to participating students. For example, if a school district or a private or charter school (collectively “schools” or “school”) has decided to resume face-to-face classes, Saint Mary’s researchers may conduct classroom research in that school. If a school holds classes remotely, researchers must research remotely. Those conducting research in schools that are open will be required to use the updated Research Cooperation Agreement template (January 2021 version), stipulating that their research will follow the health and safety policies set in place by the school. If a school research site closes before an approved research project is completed, the Principal Investigator must immediately cease research activities. If they wish to adjust their research for remote learning, they must submit an Application for Amendment to the IRB and wait for approval.


Dr. Jack McClure, IRB Chair
Dr. Matt Nowakowski, IRB Administrator